To lose you is to grieve you
Elastic drama pulls at my waist
The hype and the memory pulls me closer yet further from
what is true
I can hear you but I cannot see your face
How many times have I grieved you- wishing that you are
somebody that you will never be?
Wishing that you would put me first
To love me?
Out of the overflow of your heart to still look at me when I
am at my worst?
Your promises falter and my anger rises
I am no longer a child
I cannot hedge these bets – no more ups and downs and
Your malice is not mild
To lose you is rather, to simply let you go
And stop wishing on a star
Oh how many places I wish I could go
To avoid facing who you are
To lose you is to speak truth
To stop pretending life isn’t real
To look fully in the face of my youth
To stop avoiding how I feel
To lose you is to sob and to understand
That it is not the end of it all
My Abba has something more rich and more amazing for me
He heals so I can be ready for His call.