Take my heart and let it be
Stepping out into a world unseen
Wondering if I can possibly measure up – want my heart to represent Yours
Wondering about the sequence of events in my life and what it possibly could mean
Abba – what do you see when You look at us?
All so eager to reach out and touch hurting hearts?
We want to do everything plus
Yet we know that with YOU is where it all starts
We want You to move in the midst of us and perhaps so trite, yet we want to be YOUR hands and feet
To learn about what YOUR heart looks like when you bleed for others pain
What happens when eyes and heart and mind and soul altogether meet?
What are we going to lose and what are we going to gain
Abba we are so thankful for YOUR commission and YOUR word
Abba glory be to YOU
The whole thing still feels a little absurd
Only YOU can take something that doesn’t make much sense and say “Child, that doesn’t make it any less true.”
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